The annual EUR/NAT-DGCA Meeting took place on June 20th at the premises of the ICAO Regional Office for Europe and North Atlantic in Paris. Greece was represented by the HCAA Governor, Dr. Christos Tsitouras, the General Director of Aviation Activities, Mr. Konstantinos Karageorgis, and the Head of the Governor’s Office, Mr. George Iliopoulos.
The meeting agenda included the EUR/NAT 2022 Annual Safety Review as well as numerous ICAO initiatives in the fields of sustainability, resilience and gender equality.
More specifically, issues presented and discussed included the Long-Term Aviation Goal of Net Zero CO2 emissions in international civil aviation by 2050, the new ICAO strategy on providing implementation support to States, the existing programs and initiatives on cybersecurity and facilitation, as well as initiatives on increased gender participation in the aviation sector.
The HCAA Governor also had the opportunity to hold private discussions with the ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Director, Mr. Nicolas Rallo, and visit the 54th Paris International Air Show as a guest of the Direction Générale de l’ Aviation Civile (DGAC).