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Understanding Drone Regulations in Olympia, Greece

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Olympia, Greece, renowned for its ancient ruins and historical importance, attracts numerous tourists who wish to capture aerial footage using drones. However, it is crucial to be aware of the regulations governing drone usage in Olympia.

The ruins of Ancient city of Olympia
The ruins of Ancient city of Olympia

Drone regulations in Greece

The Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) oversees drone regulations in Greece. According to their guidelines, drones weighing over 250 grams must be registered with the HCAA, and operators are required to possess a valid license. Moreover, drones are prohibited from flying above 120 meters or within an 8-kilometer radius of airports and military installations.

Specific to Olympia, additional regulations have been established. Flying drones over the archaeological site or the ancient stadium is strictly prohibited. These measures safeguard the historical monuments and prevent potential damage caused by drones. Non-compliance with these regulations may result in fines and even imprisonment.

Drone operators must prioritize their knowledge of these regulations and adhere to them while flying in Olympia. Compliance not only ensures legal conformity but also contributes to the preservation of the area's historical significance.

Alongside the regulations, safety guidelines for drone usage are also recommended. The HCAA advises operators to maintain visual contact with their drones, avoid flying over people or animals, and refrain from flying in adverse weather conditions. These guidelines prioritize the safety of both operators and those present in the vicinity.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize that drones can cause inconvenience to others in the area. The noise and presence of drones can disrupt the tranquil atmosphere of Olympia and disturb fellow visitors. Drone operators should demonstrate consideration towards others and refrain from flying in crowded areas.

In summary, drone regulations in Olympia are designed to protect the historical importance of the region and ensure the safety of individuals nearby. Familiarizing oneself with these regulations and adhering to them when flying in Olympia is essential. By doing so, we collectively contribute to preserving the allure and historical value of this significant destination.



  • Drones weighing over 250 grams must be registered with the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) in Greece.

  • Flying drones above 120 meters or within an 8-kilometer radius of airports and military installations is prohibited.

  • In Olympia, drones are not allowed to fly over the archaeological site or the ancient stadium to protect historical monuments.

  • Violating drone regulations in Olympia can result in fines and even imprisonment.

  • It is recommended to keep drones in sight, avoid flying over people or animals, and consider adverse weather conditions for safe drone usage in Olympia.

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